Christina Dohr
embodiment facilitator and coach
For the last three years she has been on the faculty and co-leading a coaching certification alongside Mark Walsh teaching somatic techniques to hundreds of aspiring Embodiment Coaches.

Her background is multidisciplinary and includes almost two decades of martial arts, with a black belt in Aikido, yoga, different dance forms, meditation, bodywork and conscious relating practices. In the last 9 years her focus was particularly on Contact Improvisation and its potential for social and individual transformation. She has taught workshops and classes at multiple festivals and been part of the TOWARDS project in Thailand, which is dedicated to research of Contact Improvisation.

Christina has worked as a consultant and coach in Design and Innovation research, as well as for non-profit organisations aiming to foster communication and awareness between different social groups.

In all of her work she employs embodied enquiries that entail posture, movement and breath to generate deeper self-awareness and empower people to change their patterns in a playful way. Others describe her and her work as sensitive, perceptive, down-to-earth and balanced, with a lot of clarity, compassion and humour.Yaron is sports, orthopedic physiotherapist and movement therapist. A former judo athlete (about 12 years), with more than ten years of experience in teaching combat and movement.

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